The more users who stand up and share their knowledge/experience/expertise, the better eBITUG will be. If you've ever finished a project and though "that would have gone a lot more smoothly if I'd have known A, B and C 12 months ago" then you could be perfect! You don't have to be an experienced public speaker to present at eBITUG. If you have the grasp of a subject which would be interesting to the European NonStop community, then you're qualified to speak!

If you're interested in giving a talk at eBITUG please complete the form below and submit to BITUG for consideration.

Proposals submitted here by vendors must only be for 100% educational subjects.

For product/service pitches/case studies please visit the vendor sponsorship page. If you don't have that link please join the Vendor Mailing List by emailing collin.yates @ bitug.com