Feb 2016 Chairman's Chat
I’m Kevin Poultney, your BITUG Chairman for 2016. If this is your first visit you may be surprised to hear that if you are a British Isles HP NonStop end user, then both membership and the benefits of BITUG membership to you is FREE. To keep up to date on plans for 2016 and beyond join the BITUG mailing list by simply entering and submitting your Email address on the home page below left (event update mails are typically around 6 per year). To make sure you receive your free Newsletter in the post, please click here.
This year we have a change from our normal schedule and the BIG SIG will be held at Trinity House on 12th May. Preceding this on the 11th May there will be and Education Day at the new HPE offices in London. The little SIG location and date are yet to be decided, but will likely be held in the second week of December.
We will be posting out Spring and Autumn Newsletters to our registered members. The newsletters will provide the latest NonStop news from HPE and include details of up and coming events including subject matter of the scheduled presentations from both Users and Vendors.
EBITUG is coming to London in spring 2017. Planning is under way to run this European NonStop User event in central London, dates are tentative, but likely to be 26th and 27th April, or 9th and 10th May 2017.
BITUG is run by a committee of BITUG members, for British Isles HP NonStop users. All committee members are volunteers, if you are interested in joining the committee please contact me, Chairman@BITUG.COM. You do not need to be a NonStop technical guru to be a member of the committee, just willing to give up a couple of hours of your time per month to help organise events.
Free membership and benefits including attendance to the events planned for 2016 could not be achieved without the invaluable help from our Vendor Members listed to the right of this article so a big THANKYOU from BITUG for their continued support in 2016.
Your feedback is important, without it your committee can only assume it’s doing a good job! If you do have any ideas for consideration that could help the BITUG Committee to serve you better, please let me know Chairman@BITUG.COM. Tell your colleagues about us and the various events that as a user we hope you will find invaluable.
Kevin Poultney
Chairman, BITUG.
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